>The Warlocks Tour

>The tour started in San Francisco. I flew in from London that night and almost didn’t make it in time for the show. My plane was delayed. Fortunately the night was running a bit late, so by the time I made it to the club, we were going on.
It was a killer night. Loved Morning after Girls and Warlocks. I could get used to listening to them every night.
The soul-brothers at Bottom of the Hill:

I don’t remember much from the night, cos I hadn’t slept for awhile.
So on to the next day:
Driving through the mountains:

The most exciting part of the trip was when we took exit 667 on the 5 and ran into our old tour manager The Hair. Or as we like to call him; The Hair-Bear !
This time he had clothes on and did NOT call us assholes.

We are off to Seattle now. Will blog later, until then..Follow us on Twitter:

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